17 Things You Are Paying For In Office 365 That No One Told You About
Why is Office 365 so under-utilized? Simple – Inexperienced and misguided technology providers. That’s right, the primary reason our new Clients had not yet used some of the most useful and business impacting features of Office 365 is because their previous technology partner simply didn’t show them what it could do! Has your current technology provider shown you? In a sense, today’s typical technology providers are stealing from you, wasting your investment by limiting it to simply “supporting you”, paying no attention to how technology should actually drive you forward. In our experience, a simple investment of 1 day of Office 365 training and feature demonstration time can unlock 10s of thousands of dollars in value from a system you are already paying for. It’s just not that hard, and may be the best investment you make in a long time.
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The features called out in this article are designed to expose you to just some of the valuable pieces of Office 365, most of which you already own. It is our hope that by reading through this article you learn something new and are able to put into practice even one new Office 365 feature. As you read through these valuable features, think about how with Office 365 you can consolidate so much to a single, secure platform. I would encourage you to reach to the InsITe Team if you would like to see some of these features in action, or gain a better understanding of how they might fit within your business technology strategy. We’re here and ready to help!